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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  January 23, 2013 6:00am-7:00am PST

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cleared shortly. in other mass transit problems. some of the drive times 680 from walnut cream -- creek at dublin/pleasanton not a bad drive. the carquinez bridge to macarthur maze, that is about 20 minutes. the san mateo bridge is getting busy westbound with tail lights or brake lights happening mid-span on the flat section and sluggish toward the san mateo area. no metering lights yet at the bay bridge but a slight delay for cash paying folks. kristen and eric? >> thank you. developing news overnight. the oakland city council has voted to hire the foam top -- fr top cop of los angeles and new york as a police consultant the city council listened to public comment and debated until 2:30 a.m. before deciding to hire bill bratton known for zero
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tolerance strategies including controversial stop and frisk which gives officers, and say, too much discretion and leads to racial from files. supporters say bratton brought crime down in los angeles and will help the city of oakland. we will have a live report with more on this coming up in 30 minutes. >> the council approved another crime-fighting measure, bringing in alameda county sheriff deputies to patrol the streets. when deputies and one supervisor will help with the duties two days a week. the oakland police union opposed the plan but city leaders say something has to be done do put more cops on the street to deal with rising crime. >> secretary of state, hillary clinton, right now, has sat down and wearing green and is about to testify about the deadly attack in benghazi, libya, in september.
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in is a live picture from washington, dc. she will appear before two congressional panels to answer questions of the september attack in benghazi. four americans were killed including u.s. ambassador chris stevens from the bay area. congressional republicans have accused the obama administration of ignoring signs of deteriorating security in libya so in doubt they will have many questions for secretary of state, hillary clinton, whose testimony was delayed because of medical issues. abc7 news reporter will have much more coming up in a live report next half hour. >> later today, air national guard will leave mountain view for deployment. members from the 129th recuse wing or on a mission to afghanistan. final deployment preparations are underway at 10:30 with the national guard not knowing the exact departure time. 75 citizen airmen from the bay area are leaving to provide support to our troops.
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>> state lawmakers in sacramento are dealing with something they are not used to, excess cash. california is expected to end this month with an extra $4 billion in income taxes. it is reported that the boom is likely because of tax changes at the state and federal level and experts say the extra income top earners made at the end of december such as bonuses and dividend payments is also a factor. in contra costa the fire protection district hold the final meeting to discuss the closing of fire stations in the east bay. three fire stations in the district were shut down in walnut creek, half yet and martinez and two more reduced to part-time staffing. voters rejected a property tax measure to keep the fire stations open. tonight, the meeting is in clayton at the clayton community library at 7:00. >> less than two weeks away from the super bowl matchup between
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the niners and ravens. if you caught the spirit, get ready to pay up. we are joined from santa clara with the pricey cost to attend. how high are the prices? >> kristen, it comes down do how much you want to spend. 49er fans cannot wait for the stadium here in santa clara to be built but right now many want to make it to the super bowl in new orleans. tickets are available if money is no object. 49er season holders are find out if they are the lucky ones to win the lottery if a chance to buy tickets at face value $950 each. fans could who not get picked are fining they are too pricey to by at $2,000 a pop. a man who won a chance did buy was there in 1981 when the 49ers played their first super bowl. >> at the time it was $40. now they cost $950!
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but it doesn't matter if it is $10,000, i'm going to the super bowl. >> what did you say? >> i would sell my kidneys. >> we checked online and found a regular ticket is going for $ $2,100, and $40,000, for low seats and a suite at super bowl $420,000! you have to get there first. last-minute hotel rooms and flights to new orleans could run $2,000 for a four-night stay. >> thank you very much. we will check to see if you can loan us some money. we will follow the 49ers to new orleans for the big game and we will have our time with live reports next week from new orleans. >> traffic and weather
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together, next on the abc7 morning news. >> and boeing 787 dreamliner remains grounded. a new discovery made by investigators as they try to figure out what is behind the
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>> welcome back, and live doppler 7 hd shows novato, san marin drive, to petaluma sprinkles are possible. to the north of fairfield, headed up toward open waters, actually, in napa county, and over to napa, you can see around california boulevard we have better radar returns and along the coast to bodega bay. we are four to 20 degrees warmer than yesterday with temperatures in the mid-40's to low 50's. in the afternoon, mid-50's to low 60's with light rain developing for all of us. >> we go now to san rafael if you go to lucas valley road and the marin ymca the head lights headed southbound, everything is moving nicely and filtering to
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the golden gate bridge with debris second lane from the left mid-span and i do not see a lot of traffic so hopefully that will be cleared up between now and the next few minutes with four lanes for the southbound commute. bart is back on time after an early delay that is cleared. no mass transit problems. it is "spare the air" day so consider mass transit this morning. >> new this only we are lending the results of just concluded investigations into boeing 787 dreamliner, with japan transport agency ruling out overcharging as the charge of battery overheating. officials say the flight data recorder showed the main battery did not exceed maximum voltage, 787's are grounded around the world as japan and the f.a.a. and boeing try to figure what is causing electric problems on the jet. >> bay area real estate is
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almost always hot, but a new list is reveals the neighborhood with the most activity. we will tell you if your area made the cut. >> the head of the n.r.a. speaks out against president obama and the inaug
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>> treatment, palo alto, north bay, and all bay area, this is abc7 news. >> welcome back, this is live doppler 7 hd, you can see the rain is mainly over the coast. some of the sprinkles are moving through the north bay so watch out. you may get a little wetness for
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the morning commute but it is not frozen in the form of frost. we have "spare the air" with the poorest air quality in the not bay burning of wood banned. 7:00, all the way to 4:00 the rain will take over more and more our neighborhoods and become scattered showers headed to 7:00. scattered showers tomorrow and a bright friday and a chilly shower is possible on saturday. >> deadly cold front continues to spread across the midwest and east coast this morning. it is so cold that air north of the great lakes is colder than air in the north pole with wind chill dropping to 30 below in minnesota and people covering their faces, the cold is blamed for three deaths so for. icy roads and white out caused three major chain reaction pileups in ohio and a 12-year-old died in the 86-vehicle wreck near cincinnati. schools have closed because of
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ice and subzero conditions. >> a vigil for late penn state football coach paterno in pennsylvania last night. agoers lit 409 candles one if each victory at pennsylvania state. he died of lung cancer a year ago months after penn state fired him for his role in the child sex abuse scandal involving sandusky. >> a top national rifle association official is criticizing president obama's reference to absolutism in the inauguration speech. the n.r.a. executive vice president says he was taking or having a problem with absolutism. >> president obama is saying the principled way did make children safe is to make law will citizens his safe. and violent criminals more safe.
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>> he hazy -- made the comments last night in reno. >> british prime minister is promising britain a vote on whether the country should stay in the european union. he made the announcement today in london saying while he personally supports staying in the union, they must decide on the country's destiny. membership has been controversial in britain. the u.s. has been vocal about britain daying in the union. "new york times" reports that president obama and prime minister cameron talked about the issue on the phone a week ago. >> time for a check on the forecast. mike? >> checking out tweets and cold weather in new york, so cold the rails are snapping because of the tension induced by the coldness shrinking the rails. this cold air is bypassing us.
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the rockies protected us from the cold air spilling to us. we have had our fair share of cold air the last ten days with forecast each morning. this morning? not so were. clouds but in rain. from the southeast to the roof camera and to the port of oakland, you can see the north bay, where we have a better chance of sprinkles on 29, 112, 37, 101 and from novato and headed to sacramento. again, the bulk of the steady and heavy rain over the ocean in the form of yellow and oranges there. that will work its way eastward toward us so enjoy the dry weather while we have it. mid-40's to low 50's oakland and san francisco and half moon bay at 52 and the warm spot with mountain view at 50 and monterey at 51 and salinas at 52 and girl
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-- gilroy and santa cruz have a mild start. the scattered showers possible tonight through thursday and the next system from the north and this is from the south. showers are possible saturday, sunday, and monday, just possible, but not a wash out. can you see how long the system is from the tropics to the arctics tapping into tub tropical moisture and the sprinkle ahead of the front the when the front gets close are we will see the steady rain developing during the lunch hour and hang around through the afternoon and early evening. it becomes more showery in nature and possibly drizzle along the coast and 6:00 tomorrow morning during the heart of the commute we are looking at showers lingering and same thing by noon with less coverage and as we head into the afternoon and evening they start to finally taper but for the east itself you will be closest to the front and friday,
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everything starts to clear out and we get one day of the possible dry weather exception from the wet weather pattern. up to throw -- three quarters of an inch of rain. we will only be in the mid-to-upper 50's saturday, sunday, and spilling into monday. >> if the drive takes you to richmond and into. -- into berkeley and emeryville, it is bunched up where the 580 merges with 80. then it picks up. at bay bridge, metering lights have been downed on with a solid mass of head lights back to the macarthur maze and sluggish on the upper deck moving westbound in the city. busy on the san mateo bridge with the tail lights headed to the high-rise and to foster city westbound to hayward looking good.
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we have first reports of a stall north 880 at market street in the oakland area blocking a lane of traffic there and a quick look at the drive times, 580 over the altamont pass to dublin/pleasanton, 24 as you move from walnut creek and the east shore freeway we saw the live picture from the carquinez bridge to the macarthur maze just over 20 minutes. kristen and eric? >> it is all the buzz online, allegations that beyonce lip sinked the national anthem at the inauguration. we will breakdown what we know of the star's questionable performance. >> a new list revealing the likely hot neighborhoods this year in the bay area. and...done.
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did you just turn your ringer off so no one would interrupt us? oh no, i... just used my geico app to get a tow truck.
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it's gonna be 30 minutes. oh, so that means that we won't be stuck up here, for hours, with nothing to do. oh i get it, you wanna pass the time, huh. (holds up phone) fruit ninja!!! emergency roadside assistance. just a click away with the geico mobile app.
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>> welcome back, we will look at today, we are going to have a few sprinkles but for frost. rain is likely for all of us this afternoon, and this evening, the rain will turn to more scattered showers. if you travel an the state the best chance of wet weather is along the coast and into northern california, north of 80. that is where we see the best radar returns much scattered showers to the south. the warmest weather is san diego and los angeles and palm spring low-to-upper 70's and and upper 40's with scattered showers
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around yosemite. >> a new list is ranking the hottest neighborhoods in the country when it comes to real estate activity and three of them are in the bay area are on the list. livermore is the 5th hottest neighborhood in the country. number six is willow glenn in san jose, and at number nine is the mission district of san francisco. highland park, los angeles, is number one. they talk to real estate agents to compile the list and locked at shrinking home inventory, increasing sales, and higher prices. >> it is not entirely clear whether beyonce lip synced the national anthem at the inaugural on monday. ♪ the rockets red glare ♪ the bombs bursting in air >> you can see she had trouble with the audio and took out the earpiece. the marine band said the voice track was prerecorded as was all
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the inaugural music in case the weather was a factor. the band says they are not in a position to know if the vocals were live or recorded. "good morning america" will have more on this at 7:00 adding to it is the fact she tweet add picture from the recording studio with the sheet music. >> the numbers are in. oprah's interview with license -- lance armstrong was a smashing husband -- smashing success for the network and wad by 28 million. her own network estimates that 800,000 viewers watched it on line. the 2003 interview with michael jackson was seen by 28 million viewers around the world, 10 million more. >> notre dame football star manti te'o and his family are speaking out if the first time
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on camera since the fake girlfriend scandal broke. we will have an exclusive preview of the interview with katie couric. >> first, now, secretary of state, hillary clinton, now testifying on the attack in libya. >> the oakland city council was here until 2:30 in the morning talking about whether to bring police consultant william bratton to oakland. how did they vote? the story
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>> live from the kgo broadcast center this is abc7 news. >> good morning, everyone, at 6:30 on wednesday morning. a picture from our emeryville cam paragraph the bay bridge and san francisco and beautiful shot
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on this wednesday morning. no frost out there. we may have some rain. >> a bit of a wednesday paradox. rain but it is a "spare the air" day. au pair -- parodox. >> the rain will not get rid of the matter in the air in the north bay where live doppler 7 hd is picking up the best radar runs over the land. best ones are over the ocean in yellow and orange. some possible light rain in the north bay right now. that is what we will have through 7:00, a steady or more widespread light rain through noon and 4:00 and scattered showers by 7:00, inland, there is no frost this morning. nothing to worry about there. temperatures will-out in the 50's with light rain developing there by noon, also, through 4:00, like we are having at the coast. you will be the first to see the rain as the system comes in from the west and it will taper to showers as we led to the evening hours, also. no burning of wood.
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a burning ban for the eighth time this winter season. >> thank you, good morning, everyone, we have a stall northbound 880 at market blocking the right lane and i do not see too much slowing moving beyond there. back to los altos, c.h.p. an hour ago said the accident was clear, but, no. a tow truck just arrived and the right lane still remains blocked southbound but i do not see much slowing. however, there could be activity on the right lane. headed out of the central valley, slowing over the altamont pass to dublin/pleasanton at 30 minutes. slow out of antioch and typical here as you move toward pittsburg and it picks up toward concord and san jose, 87 beyond the h.p. pavilion. >> you have watched this, developing news with crews mopping you will after a fire in
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san francisco's victorian house near octavia boulevard before 3:00 this morning. the fire started outside the home before it spread. we hear it could have been started by a christmas tree at the street but that has not been confirmed. firefighters do have it under control and there is no real traffic impact to the freeway. >> more developing news, the oakland city council voted to hire a controversial police consultant to bring down violence in oakland. amy will join us live from outside city hall. the vote was not even close after that? >> 7-1. he is controversial but bratton is coming to oakland. he attracts a crowd. the city hall used four rooms for the overflow crowd last night: 250 people signed up for speak. the issue was, whether to hire former police chief and new york
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and los angeles police chief, william bratton. the city of oakland wants him as a consultant. the chief is calling him one of the brightest mines in -- minds in policing. but he has supported stop and frisk technique in new york and some worry that could lead to available from filing. supporters say, look at the record. >> brought crime down in l.a. and helped to get minority people working. the complaints levels went down. a change for the good and better. >> the problem is you look at people from the east coast. you look at police officers from marin county or pleasanton. they are not part of the community and don't understand it. >> the vote came a few hours later at 2:30 in the morning at 7-1. the chief and mayor insist that bratton said the ultimate
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decisions are theirs and that in racial from filing is tolerated here. >> happening now, secretary of state, hillary clinton, testifying now on capitol hill on the attack that killed christopher stevens in libya. we are live in the newsroom with what the secretary has said so far. katie? >> hillary clinton just began her testimony ten minutes ago. we will take you live to the hearing underway right now. the chairman of the senate foreign affairs committee, the highest ranking member, gave lengthy remarks. the chairman talked about the 29 recommendations made by an independent panel to the state department after the attack, to better security the officials overseas. hillary clinton said many of those are being implemented and safety is the least the men and women deserve. >> what we are doing now with
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your help as secretary i have no higher priority and no greater responsibility. as i have said many times, i take responsibility and nobody is more committed to getting this right. i am determined to leave the state department and our country safer, stronger and more secure. >> when the q&a portions begin lawmakers will demand, why wasn't there more supreme court? were you aware there were requests for more security? if not, why not? if you were, why were the requests denied? after the senate, where we will take you live, this is the senate committee and clinton will testify before the house foreign affairs committee at 2:00 this afternoon. something else, this morning we have new information about the people who were involved in the deadly attack in benghazi. an algerian official has told "new york times" that some of the militants involved in the
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deadly hostage situation in algeria were also involved in the murders at the consulate in benghazi. "good morning america" will look at what that means for clinton's testimony this morning at 7:00 a.m. >> thank you. this morning a suspect is in custody following a police chase that started in hayward and ended all the way across the bay in san francisco. c.h.p. officers followed a black s.u.v. across the bay bridge before 11:00 p.m. last night and the chase finally ended at south van ness and 14 the street and it appears the s.u.v. ran over spike strips. officers searched the contents of black suitcases found in the trunk and the c.h.p. has not revealed the contents of the suitcases. >> traffic and weather tomorrow next on the abc7 morning news.
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>> also ahead, broken glass and mangled wreckage, the unique device that allowed three people to walk away from a late-night plane
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>> on this wednesday morning this potentially wet only as you see scattered sprinkles and heavy showers over the ocean is what you can expect through the morning rush. it is a "spare the air" day with air qualitiment district
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believes there will be unhealthy levels in the north bay so we are banned from burning wood. look how warm it is this morning from four degrees in antioch, to 20 degrees warmer in napa. including low 40's around san francisco and half moon bay. this afternoon, mid-50's to the north are we expect more rain to low 60's headed to the south where the least amount of rain will fall. as we led to tomorrow, this storm will leave some showers so we call it left over showers, upper 50 to low 60's and a break from the rain on friday and a cooler system with cooler light showers for saturday and only mid-to-upper 50's. have a good day. sue? >> the first warning of an accident at 80 westbound the university overcrossing. i do not see an accident but c.h.p. says it is westbound 80 at university.
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so far, no location on our live shot. perhaps they had the wrong location. we will check back on that. san mateo bridge is busy moving from hayward to foster city. 16-minute drive over the high-rise to the san mateo area. westbound 92 the ramp to southbound 880 first reports of an accident blocking that ramp. a new accident north 85 at bascom. you can see the yellow sensors headed northbound near bascom and saratoga avenue. kristen and eric? >> it is 6:41. three people will have quite a story to tell this morning after the plane crashed in connecticut. they were saved by a parachute. a parachute. they does not strap on a pair shout. the pilot has a system for the plane that brought the airplane down slowly.
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it could have been a lot worse. the pilot reported engine trouble five miles out from the airport and all three men on board managed to walk away. >> a fake girlfriend scandal everyone is talking about, how notre dame football star, manti te'o, and his parents tell their side of the story. >> and wall street is starting off with the dow in positive territory up 55 points. we will check in with jane king live athkx1ñ;x;x;x;x;x$ú
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>> novato, oakland, sunnyvale and all the bay area, this is abc7 news. >> welcome back. good morning, it is 6:45 on this
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wednesday morning. we are hearing from the parents of notre dame football star, manti te'o, since the girlfriend hoax scandal break out less than a week ago. >> the parents and their son are speaking out in an exclusive interview with katie couric. here is a preview. >> not many people writing about this are calling your son a liar they are saying he...manipulated the truth, really, for personal gain. >> people can speculate about what they think he is. at the moment, 21 years of his life, and he is not a liar. he is a kid. >> you can hear from manti te'o himself for the first time sin the scandal broke this morning at 7:00 on "good morning america" after our newscast. you can watch the full interview
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with manti te'o and his parents tomorrow afternoon at 3:00 on "katie" right here. >> a u.s. appeals court, rather, we will go to the weather forecast. my bad. we will find out about the rain. >> it is raining. feeling goofy this morning. not that we didn't expect the rain. >> change in the weather can do that, it is milder this morning. afternoon, everyone. we have temperatures in the low 40's to low 50's. with in forecast but a few sprinkles possible. this afternoon we will all have light rain from time to time and mid-50's to low 60's and during the evening hours the rain will turn to scattered showers and 48 to 53 degrees. can you see the steady rain to the north and a wall of water developing to the south is working toward the north toward us so by afternoon we will have rain. the best chance of rain is north of 80 today, here in the bay area and slightly down to santa
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barbara and tahoe is 39, and to the south low-to-upper 70's. >> a u.s. appeals court rules that marijuana will continue to be considered a highly dangerous drug under federal law with no accepted medical use. advocacy group argued marijuana should be reclassified as a drug that has benefited if people who are suffering. but the panel said they had to defer to federal health experts who have said they need more evidence before reclassifying marijuana. the group says they plan to appeal to the u.s. supreme court. >> time to confess, you have checked your facebook page? all the "liking" could make you unhappy. german researchers found one in three felt worse after visiting the site, becoming envious of their friends' lives and more unhappy with their own. the biggest cause of resentment was viewing their friends' vacation photos. some compared how many birthday
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wishes their friends got or how many "likes" or commentsen made on photos and postings. >> if you like weird food combination some good news. >> an industry is putting hiring plans into overdrive. >> jane king is live at the new york stock exchange. i want to hear about the weird food combinations. >> good morning, if you are looking for a job, first, how about driving a truck? demand for truck drivers is going to double by the end of the year with companies struggling to hire 100,000 drivers because of rules that add restrictions to work hours so pay raises, and truckers already paid up to $130,000 a year for owner operators. bay area stocks are getting a lot of attention on wall street. anni's is hammered on the frozen pizza recall as berkeley based company is introducing them.
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and ago has stronger-than-expected results with shares surging and apple acted today after reports of results for the quarter after the close. and mcdonald's dollar menu is helping profits rise with share a little lower. stocks show the dow and s&p at five year highs and we are watching washington, dc, especially today the vote on extending the debt ceiling. the silicon valley index looks higher. how do beer flavored crackers sound? those are the hottest food friends in 2013 on display at the winter fancy food show at mascone center including peanut brighter spiced with chili and oil and cherry pits were other offerings. >> broccoli tree?
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>> my kids have cinnamon steak. >> thank you very much, jane king. >> interesting combinations for food. >> what is on the menu weather-wise? >> on the menu? not so spicy, with the southeast waiting for the sun to rise. here is the cloud cover, and you can see we have haze out there and pollution is possible, this is "spare the air" day and we have more moisture near so temperatures are in the 40's and 50's. live doppler 7 hd still showing our best radar run out over the ocean and light radar run so the possibility of sprinkles in the north bay but we have not seen anything on twitter or the national weather service so we assume it is a scattered sprinkle or two so we will wait for mid-morning for more rain. it will be cooler today than
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yesterday. scattered showers tonight and tomorrow and the system will weaken and another system from the north this time and brings us a chance of cooler showers saturday, sunday, and monday and looking very light and it will be cooler this week. and now, the arctic circle to the tropics we are tapping into tropical moisture this morning so our rainfall amounts will be around quarter to three quarters of an inch the through the morning, clouds with sprinkles and you can see by 11:00 to launch, that is when the study more wide-spread light rain develops and hangs around through the afternoon and early evening, and it becomes scattered showers overnight through tomorrow morning and more scattered showers for thursday into evening and early thursday evening we have another push of scattered showers and by friday morning, it looks like the system moves off to the east and friday it will be a brief break between systems as we look to saturday and sunday scattered light showers drop our temperatures into the mid-50's and a dusting above 4,000' when
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they come through. have a good day. sue? >> back to 80 westbound with reports of an accident at powell street. pardon me, university. you can see one car off to the left hand median with heavy traffic here. i do thought see emergency lights but that is what is going on and it is 80 westbound at gilman funneled to the bay bridge toll plaza. golden gate bridge moving nicely coming from marin county to san francisco. four lanes for the southbound commute and no delays as you move from the city. southbound 280 in los altos, an early accident waiting for a tow truck blocking the right lane and westbound 92 ramp to southbound 880 a fire truck attending to an accident and fire trucks blocking one lane and the only is on the shoulder and north 85 at bascom in los gatos area we have reports of an accident second lane from the left. christian and -- kristen and
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eric? >> five t
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>> as we are ready to hand things off to mechanotransduction here are five thins to know. the oakland city council voted this morning to hire bill bratton as a police consultant to help reduce crime in oakland. he is known for zero tolerance strategy including the controversial stop and frisk policy. >> number two, secretary of state, hillary clinton, is testifying before the senate foreign affairs committee right now. she told the panel she is committed to improving security at diplomatic missions wore wide after the deadly september raid in libya. three, we are following developing news from san francisco with crews mopping up from a fire in a large victorian building in san francisco overnight. investigators say the fire started outside the home before
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it spread inside. >> number four, we heard manti te'o's parents say share son was not a liar but he has reportedly admitted to lying about his girlfriend after finding out she did not really die or really exist. "good morning america" will have manti te'o's interview in a few minutes. >> enough fine, 49er fans have to work over serious money to go to the super bowl, online prices running from $2,000 for a regular ticket to $420,000, for a suite! the team held a lottery yesterday for a limited number of season ticket holders who have to pay $950 for each ticket which is face value. thank goodness for big screen television. >> now the accweather forecast. mike? >> live doppler 7 hd shows the radar down showing the best
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radar return is over the ocean with a few sprinkles possible through the only commute as the moist system comes at us from the south and moves north. our best chance of steady light rain developing during later in the morning and into the afternoon hours. temperatures are much cooler, mid-50's to low 60's. >> we go back to the bay bridge with the metering lights on with traffic backing to the macarthur maze and sluggish on the upper deck into san francisco to 80 berkeley, we had an accident you can see it in the middle of the screen, one car in the very left center median as they make their way westbound, the traffic is slow headed into the toll plaza. we have an accident west 92 ramp with fire crews blocking a lane and we have a problem at los gatos north 85 at bascom. >> thank you for joining us. the morning news continues in 25 michigans with -- in 25 minutes
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with news, weather and traffic. >> we will have more on the interview of manti te'o's parents and you can follow us on twitter, as well. ks for watchin
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good morning, america. developing now, deep freeze. subzero temperatures gripping
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the country. causing home explosions from the midwest to new york. schools closed. highways shut down. as a massive winter blast comes in, sam is tracking all the latest. star-spangled outrage? big questions for beyonce. was she lip-synching the national anthem? as millions of people watched the inauguration around the world. the superstar staying silent right now. what does the fallout mean for her stellar career? manti te'o breaks his silence. >> katie, put yourself in my situation. >> the notre dame football star speaks out exclusively to katie couric. our reporter tracks down the man who may have masterminded the hoax. ♪ i'm bringing sexy back take a look at this. sleek, sexy, and super. so, what is really being sold? she just wants you to buy a new car. the big game is almost here, but the battle for bucks and buzz is starting right now.


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